I haven’t had the time recently to post anything on this blog. Which is unfortunate, as I miss writing here.
But in the meantime, here are a few updates on recent publications and events.
A short article of mine, originally posted on this blog, has appeared in French translation in the journal Multitudes, issue 51, under the title “Comment traduire une forme de vie ?”. I haven’t managed to find a copy of this yet, but the information on the journal issue is here.
Wesleyan University Press has brought back into print a brilliant short novel by Samuel R. Delany, Phallos. The new, enhanced edition of the novel also includes several scholarly essays discussing it, including mine.
The absolutely indispensible Aqueduct Press has just published Strange Matings, edited by Rebecca J. Holden and Nisi Shawl, a collection of essays on the fiction of the late and much lamented Octavia Butler. An essay of mine is included, together with others much better than mine. Book information is here.
And finally, audio is available for the two lectures I recently gave in Dublin at the invitation of DUST (Dublin Unit for Speculative Thought). “Speculative Criteria (a conversation with Paul Ennis)” is available at https://archive.org/details/ShaviroSpecCriteria230513. And “Discognition” is available at http://archive.org/details/DiscognitionALectureByStevenShaviro , and also as a podcast from the University College Dublin Humanities Institute, and via iTunes (free).
The French translation, “Comment traduire une forme de vie ?” can be downloaded from http://www.cairn.info/revue-multitudes-2012-4-page-86.htm
great you’re back posting on your blog wouldn’t have known that one more octavia butler book is out there – looking forward to that …